Uncategorized Template

  • Uncategorized Page Title: You can Enable/Disable for uncategorized page title.
  • Page Title Settings: This is page title style settings for uncategorized. Here you can set skin settings like font color, link color with hover/active colors, border, padding, and full background settings.
  • Background Parallax: You can Enable/Disable uncategorized, page title background image parallax.
  • Background Video: You can Enable/Disable uncategorized, page title background video here. If you choose Enable then you must set youtube video id for next input box.
  • Uncategorized Page Title Background Video: Set page title background video for uncategorized page. Only allowed youtube video id. Example: UWF7dZTLW4c
  • Page Title Overlay: You can set uncategorized page title overlay color with alpha (RGBA).
  • Page Title Items: Needed uncategorized, page title items drag from disabled and put enabled part like left/center or right.
  • Page Title Items: Needed page title items drag from disabled and put enabled parts like Left/Center or Right.
  • Uncategorized Featured Slider: Enable or Disable uncategorized feature slider. If you enable means just set the slider settings to Sliders -> Uncategorized Post Slider on theme option tab.
  • Choose Article Style: This is layout style for each post article. Available layouts are default, style1, style2, style3.
  • Article Skin: Choose your page Article skin style for each uncategorized article. You can set font color, link color options, border, padding, and background with alpha (RGBA).
  • Post Format Settings:
    • Video Format: Choose your uncategorized page video post format. Select your video format like one click run video, modal box video, and direct video.
    • Quote Format: Choose your uncategorized page quote post format. Select your quote format like dark overlay, theme overlay, theme color background, and none.
    • Link Format: Choose your uncategorized page link post format. Select your link format like dark overlay, theme overlay, theme color background, and none.
    • Gallery Format: Choose your uncategorized page gallery post format. Select your gallery format like default gallery, popup gallery grid popup gallery.
  • Uncategorized Settings:
    • Uncategorized Template: Choose your current uncategorized page template.
    • Choose Left Sidebar: Select your widget area for showing uncategorized page on left sidebar. If you want left sidebar you must enable uncategorized template either left sidebar or both sidebar.
    • Choose Right Sidebar: Select your widget area for showing uncategorized page on right sidebar. If you want right sidebar you must enable uncategorized template either right sidebar or both sidebar.
    • Sidebar Sticky: You can Enable/Disable for sidebar sticky.
    • Sidebar on Mobile: Choose Enable/Disable to show or hide sidebar on mobile.
    • Uncategorized Post Template: Choose your current uncategorized post template. Available layouts are Standard, Grid and List.
    • Top Standard Post: Enable/Disable to show top post layout standard others selected layout will be show.
    • Uncategorized Page Read More Text: Enter your read more text for excerpt more text.
    • Uncategorized Excerpt Length: You can set uncategorized excerpt length here. Default uncategorized excerpt length is 30.
    • Uncategorized Post Top Meta Items: Needed uncategorized post top Meta items drag from disabled and put enabled part. Ex: Left or Right.
    • Uncategorized Post Bottom Meta Items: Needed uncategorized post bottom Meta items drag from disabled and put enabled part. Ex: Left or Right.
    • Uncategorized Post Items: Needed uncategorized post items drag from disabled and put enabled part. Thumbnail part covers the post format either image/audio/video/gallery/quote/link.
    • Uncategorized Post Overlay: You can Enable/Disable for uncategorized post overlay. This overlay option show only overlay with featured image.