Post Option – Format


This part for if you choose video format, then you must choose video type and give video id. Videos will show only for Video Post Format.

  • Video Modal: Select your video modal type on your post format. Available video modal types are direct video, modal box video, one click run video and theme default video.
  • Video Type: Select your video type on your post. Available video types are YouTube, vimeo and custom video.
  • Video ID: Enter Video ID Example:ZSt9tm3RoUU. If you choose custom video type then you enter custom video URL and video must be mp4 format.


This part for if you choose audio format, then you must give audio id. Audios will show only for Audio Post Format.

  • Audio Type: Choose your audio type, like none, soundcloud and custom audio.
  • Audio ID: Enter your soundcloud audio ID. Example:315307209.


This part for if you choose gallery format, then you must choose gallery images here.

  • Gallery Modal: Select your gallery modal type on your post format. Available gallery modal types are grid popup gallery, popup gallery, default gallery and theme default.
  • Choose Gallery Images: Choose your post format gallery images.


This part for if you choose quote format, then you must fill the quote text and author name box.

  • Quote Modal: Select your quote modal type on your post format. Available gallery modal types are theme color background, dark overlay, theme overlay, default and none.
  • Quote Text: Enter your quote text.
  • Quote Author: Enter your quote author name.


This part for if you choose link format, then you must fill the external link box.

  • Link Modal: Select your link modal type on your post format. Available gallery modal types are theme color background, dark overlay, theme overlay, default and none.
  • Link Text:Enter your link text.
  • External Link: Enter your external link.