Category: Shortcodes

Icon Shortcode

This is the setting for Icon Shortcode Icon – This shortcode was used to display icon's into various style. Font Color – Here you can put the font color. Animation Style – Choose

Compare Pricing Shortcode

This is the setting for Compare pricing Shortcode Compare pricing  – This shortcode was used to display compare pricing shortcode into various style. Font Color – Here you can put font color.

Google Map Shortcode

This is the setting for Google map Shortcode Google Map  – This shortcode was used to display Google Map into various style. Extra Class – Here you can add an extra class to your

Pricing Table Shortcodes

This is the setting for Pricing Table Shortcode Pricing Table – This shortcode was used to display Your Pricing Table into various style. Extra Class – Here you can add an extra

Social Icons Shortcodes

This is the setting for Portfolio Shortcode Portfolio  – This shortcode was used to display our portfolio's into various style. Extra Class – Here you can add an extra class to your portfolio

Day Counter Shortcode

This is the setting for Portfolio Shortcode Portfolio  – This shortcode was used to display our portfolio's into various style. Extra Class – Here you can add an extra class to your portfolio

Circle Process shortcode

This is the setting for Portfolio Shortcode Portfolio  – This shortcode was used to display our portfolio's into various style. Extra Class – Here you can add an extra class to your portfolio

Counter shortcode

This is the setting for Portfolio Shortcode Portfolio  – This shortcode was used to display our portfolio's into various style. Extra Class – Here you can add an extra class to your portfolio

Blog Shortcode

This is the setting for Blog Shortcode Blog  – This shortcode was used to display our blog's into various style. Extra Class – Here you can add an extra class to your blog

Events Shortcode

This is the setting for Events Shortcode Events  – This shortcode was used to display our events's into various style. Extra Class – Here you can add an extra class to your events